ABLE Newsletter Vol. 4 Issue 1
Our newsletter gives you the latest updates on what is going on at the library. We share some of our new books and book club information. We offer a PDF version and on audio version on YouTube.
Many Faces of BARD: March 6, 2025
The Many Faces of BARD program will be held on Thursday, March 6, 2025. The topic for this month will be Introducing the DA2: NLS's Newest Talking Book Machine. There will be a presentation and demonstration of the machine. The rest of the hour will be spent answering your questions about the presentation or any questions related to BARD.
ABLE Book Club: February 19, 2025
Join us for the ABLE Library book club! Our next meeting is on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. We do not have a specific book for this meeting - this is a chance to come and talk about something you've read recently that you'd like to share with others. Did you love the book and want to spread the news? Did you hate a book and want to save your fellow ABLE Library patrons from a bad book? Come talk about it!
Memorable Times Online
Join the Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA), the ABLE Library, and our friends in Scotland for "Play Me a Memory - Jukebox with friends in Scotland." We meet every Wednesday morning from 10:30 to 11:15. This is a dementia-friendly gathering, where we share tunes, stories, and laughter. We warmly welcome you to join as often or as randomly as you like, and we invite your requests of favorite songs or artists to add to our "jukebox." Please contact Barb Asen at CVCOA for more information or to register: or 802-477-1364.
ABLE Book Club: January 15, 2025
Join us for the ABLE Library book club! Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 15, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. We will be talking about Gather by Kenneth Cadow (Sound recording book number: DB116996). We meet online and by phone. Please call or email us to find out how to get a copy of the book and sign up.
Smart Speaking to the Smart Speaker: January 16, 2025
The topic for the Thursday, January 16, 2025, Smart Speaking to the Smart Speaker program will be Searching for Books with the Smart Speaker. The program will start with a presentation about ways to search and will include a demonstration.
Inclusive Arts Vermont - Virtual Tour: December 12, 2024
Join Inclusive Arts Vermont (IAV) for a free remote tour highlighting works from CYCLES, a visual arts exhibition featuring 25 artists with disabilities. Each piece in CYCLES has verbal description. Audio and digital versions of all materials are available on the IAV webpage!
ABLE Book Club: October 16, 2024
Join us for the ABLE Library book club! Our next meeting is on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. We do not have a specific book for this meeting - this is a chance to come and talk about something you've read recently that you'd like to share with others. Did you love the book and want to spread the news? Did you hate a book and want to save your fellow ABLE Library patrons from a bad book? Come talk about it!
News from the ABLE Library - Vol. 3 Issue 2
Our newsletter gives you the latest updates on what is going on at the library. We share some of our new books and book club information. We offer a PDF version and on audio version on YouTube.