Reconnecting to the World of Work and Each Other
Hosts: Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
When: Friday, April 14, 2023, 9am - 2:30pm
Where: Capitol Plaza, 100 State Street, Montpelier
Keynote Speaker: Kyle Robidoux. Kyle is a motivational speaker with a focus on goal setting and pushing through. Kyle is an ultra-runner who helped create and launch United in Stride. Kyle is legally blind.
Session 1: Hear from experts as they share their dreams, challenges, and triumphs connecting to the world as people with visual impairments.
Session 2: Join in round table discussions about connecting with the ever-changing virtual world.
Hot Buffet Lunch
Technology Fair: The Tech Fair will be open all day to give hands-on experience with a wide range of high- and low-tech equipment, strategies, and resources to help increase your independence.
This event is free to DBVI and VABVI clients. Family, friends, mentors, and partner agency staff are also welcome.